旧约 - 出埃及记(Exodus)第18章

Now Jethro, the priest of Midian and father-in-law of Moses, heard of everything God had done for Moses and for his people Israel, and how the LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt.
After Moses had sent away his wife Zipporah, his father-in-law Jethro received her
and her two sons. One son was named Gershom, for Moses said, "I have become an alien in a foreign land";
and the other was named Eliezer, for he said, "My father's God was my helper; he saved me from the sword of Pharaoh."
Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, together with Moses' sons and wife, came to him in the desert, where he was camped near the mountain of God.
Jethro had sent word to him, "I, your father-in-law Jethro, am coming to you with your wife and her two sons."
So Moses went out to meet his father-in-law and bowed down and kissed him. They greeted each other and then went into the tent.
Moses told his father-in-law about everything the LORD had done to Pharaoh and the Egyptians for Israel's sake and about all the hardships they had met along the way and how the LORD had saved them.
Jethro was delighted to hear about all the good things the LORD had done for Israel in rescuing them from the hand of the Egyptians.
He said, "Praise be to the LORD, who rescued you from the hand of the Egyptians and of Pharaoh, and who rescued the people from the hand of the Egyptians.
Now I know that the LORD is greater than all other gods, for he did this to those who had treated Israel arrogantly."
Then Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, brought a burnt offering and other sacrifices to God, and Aaron came with all the elders of Israel to eat bread with Moses' father-in-law in the presence of God.
The next day Moses took his seat to serve as judge for the people, and they stood around him from morning till evening.
When his father-in-law saw all that Moses was doing for the people, he said, "What is this you are doing for the people? Why do you alone sit as judge, while all these people stand around you from morning till evening?"
Moses answered him, "Because the people come to me to seek God's will.
Whenever they have a dispute, it is brought to me, and I decide between the parties and inform them of God's decrees and laws."
Moses' father-in-law replied, "What you are doing is not good.
You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone.
Listen now to me and I will give you some advice, and may God be with you. You must be the people's representative before God and bring their disputes to him.
Teach them the decrees and laws, and show them the way to live and the duties they are to perform.
But select capable men from all the people--men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain--and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.
Have them serve as judges for the people at all times, but have them bring every difficult case to you; the simple cases they can decide themselves. That will make your load lighter, because they will share it with you.
If you do this and God so commands, you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied."
Moses listened to his father-in-law and did everything he said.
He chose capable men from all Israel and made them leaders of the people, officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.
They served as judges for the people at all times. The difficult cases they brought to Moses, but the simple ones they decided themselves.
Then Moses sent his father-in-law on his way, and Jethro returned to his own country.
出埃及记第十八章   第 18 章 

  出 18:7> 古时的帐棚是什么样的? 

  18:7 摩西的岳父叶忒罗带着摩西的家眷来到他的帐棚和他相聚。帐棚是牧人的居所,形状与设计皆与现代的帐棚相似。古时的帐棚很大,是用山羊毛或骆驼毛所织的厚毡做成,随着气候的变化张开收缩,使人不受中东地区冬季风雨的侵袭。帐棚内的地面上常铺兽皮地毯,用帘子把里面隔成房间。 

  出 18:8-11> 我们生命的改变能够让亲友看到,并带领他们归向神吗? 

  18:8-11 摩西将神为以色列人所做的一切大事,都告诉岳父,使他相信耶和华比其他一切神只都大。我们常常最难向自己的亲友见证神,但是我们应当找机会,把神在自己身上所做的事告诉他们,因为我们对他们能够产生较大的影响。 

  出 18:12> 团聚庆祝,多热闹── 

  18:12 摩西与岳父及妻儿团聚,举行盛大的庆祝。众人一起吃献祭的肉。燔祭是把整个祭牲全部献给神,献祭者不可吃;但从平安祭所取的肉,大家可以同吃,表明彼此相交的礼仪。 


  出 18:13-26> 摩西怎样接纳岳父的建议,遵照神的吩咐与众人分担工作? 

  18:13-26 摩西花了很多的时间与精力,聆听以色列人的倾诉,使他不能做别的要务。叶忒罗劝他把小事交给别的首领去做,自己好集中精力做最重要的事。日理万机的人有时会以为,只有他们才能处理一切要务,殊不知别人也能分担重担。摩西选派的人减轻了他的压力,使政务质素得以提高,有助进入迦南以后设立政治制度。将适当的人选作助手,会倍增工作的效能,同时也会促使别人进步。 

  出 18:16> 我在工作生活中是否有意识地向人传福音呢? 

  18:16 摩西不但为百姓断案,也教导神的律法。我们为别人解决纠纷之余,也应当找机会,教他们认识神。──《灵修版圣经注释》